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Arrested for Refusing Government Health Insurance

Posted by Insurance for Protect Your Healthy and Live

Imagine this. Your child is sick and doesn't seem to be getting better. You learn of alternative

treatment but it is not covered by your MANDATED government health insurance. What do you do?

If you are Britt and Naghemeh King you take your child to a place where you believe their chances of getting well are better than the status quo.

Even if you are breaking the law to do so, and taking your child to another country for care.
The couple took their son, Ashya, out of Southampton General Hospital last week and traveled to Spain, where they planned to sell a property to pay at least $33,000 for proton beam radiation therapy in the Czech Republic or the U.S. The couple was arrested on a British warrant, and they are fighting extradition.
British prosecutors issued the warrant for an offence of cruelty to a person under the age of 16 years, hours after the Southampton hospital realized Ashya was gone. 

Taking your child to a different medical practitioner in hopes of saving their life is a criminal offense, cruelty to children.

Ashya's parents remained jailed in Madrid on Tuesday while extradition proceedings are underway
Something is terribly wrong with this picture.

It is a good thing this can't happen here where the government doesn't dictate the type of coverage you must have.

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